Live Life

Because every girl deserves the right to become a cool, collected and wonderfully awkward young woman =)

This is NOT a niche-based blog, it is simply a collection of thoughts and ideas relevant to young adults as well as a record of my personal development.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

To Address My So-called Awkwardness

Have you ever had those times where you looked around yourself and pondered your life?

I know, so have I.

Sometimes you can come to some pretty disturbing conclusions. But one thing that I discovered with my 19 years of wisdom is that the only result of thinking too hard about these things is that you can seriously hurt your self-esteem. I am just leaving the prime of my peer-pressure/take a beating on the self-esteem vulnerability age, and believe me, I did NOT come away unscathed. But the most valuable lesson I've learned is not to concern myself about what others think about who I am. I'm different, and that's why I'm me. I mean what type of gray, George Orwell's 1984 type world would this be if we weren't different? An extra-bland one, that's for sure. At this point in my life, hate it or love it, I'm exploring the person I am...and so far I'm great! =)


  1. You make a very valid point on self esteem!
    Good for you! The power of positive thinking is an amazing tool.

  2. That's an interesting point you raise:

    "you can seriously hurt your self-esteem"

    It's true, you can. But only if you're not being honest with yourself. Being honest with yourself doesn't just mean being "truthful" or acknowledging the truth. It also means accepting the truth.

    If the truth is too hard to bear, it hurts. We are what we are and when we accept ourselves for what we are, warts and all, the truth can't hurt us. It can only strengthen us.

    I've started following your blog and would appreciate a follow back. Thanks. :)

  3. I greatly appreciate your comments and I'm so excited that you found me interesting!

    To Always a Mom:
    I agree completely! Sometimes your self-esteem can be the best shield in the world. Positive thinking is the root of success. I feel that you can almost always pull a positive from a negative situation.

    To Fausty:
    You are right. I feel like that is the secret behind good self-esteem. I just wish it didn't take so much stumbling in life to realize this: the only obstacle stopping you from having great self-esteem is your ability to accept and love yourself. I really love the way you put it: "you have to ACCEPT the truth."

  4. Life is a struggle but that is part of its glory. Winning over adversity, overcoming your fears and trials rewards you with self-esteem. Those that make it are happy. I hope you will, too.

  5. Thanks Fausty =). Good luck to you as well!
