Live Life

Because every girl deserves the right to become a cool, collected and wonderfully awkward young woman =)

This is NOT a niche-based blog, it is simply a collection of thoughts and ideas relevant to young adults as well as a record of my personal development.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Welcome Back?

I have returned from my extended hiatus to discuss returning to school. After enduring the hell that is packing your life and carrying it with you to a small room, I am all unpacked and settled into my new single. After having a roommate my freshmen year, it was time for a change of pace. I like my own space.

Well, as I listen to my suite mates and friends prepare to go to a welcome back party, I'm so depressed. Why, you ask?

Because of one major problem:

F-I-N-A-N-C-I-A-L A-I-D. I have to get up at 7am before classes have even started for the year (I am NOT a morning person) to beat the rush and try to get enough aid to help me attend school. Because of the recession, they are hard-pressed to find money to give me. Unfortunately, without their help, it would be absolutely impossible for me to attend college. This is the ultimate form of Catch-22. With a prayer, I can feel confident that everything will work out for the best.

A word of advice:

PLEASE complete and turn in all forms as soon as possible.

Try to work out some agreement well before deadlines if your parents are divorced or separated. Non-custodial parents can be your worst nightmare. I break into cold sweats just thinking about my non-custodial parent. *shivers* Not cool. At all.

Do not be afraid to pester the office. It is their job to help you.

But most importantly, complete everything as soon as possible.

Man I wish I could go to that party, which is one of the few I would be able to attend with my heavy course load this semester. Down with responsibility! Just kidding =)!

Guess I'll have my own welcome back party in my room... :/
Or maybe I should just go to bed. *sigh*

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